I consulted Dr. Dachepalli in early July '21 with a curious issue of pain in my right hand with night stiffness and numbness. I had come to him after unsuccessful treatments by my GP and a Neuro Physician. Consequently I was very skeptical of how I would be treated & what my treatment plan would entail. However, today, I can say with relief and happiness that after nearly 5 months of enduring pain since it began in late May '21 my hand is free of pain and I owe it to Dr. Dachepalli for the extremely good treatment given. At the get go, he listened to my entire problem very patiently and helped to treat the problem with follow up visits that included him carefully assessing the effectiveness of the treatment. God makes miracles possible and my hand being cured is nothing less than a miracle for me; so for me, Dr. Dachepalli is no less than God! I am happy I will be back to playing recreational badminton, thanks to Dr. Dachepalli. Thank you so much. Sir! Eeshwari Bollapragada 0000-00-00 00:00:00