HE IS THE BEST My mother was suffering from knee joint pain, was unable to walk properly with unbearable terrific pain in both knees, After hearing the name of famous orthopedic Doctor SUNIL DACHEPALLI so we approached him he examined my mother and convinced her in just 5 mins. We tried to convince my mother for surgery since 10yrs but she was not ready but Dr.SUNILsaid n convinced Her,so we proceeded with the operation. To our astonishment after knee replacement my mother started walking normally without any support. We are proud & thankful who took efforts to convince us n made our stay so comfortable n easy in hospital. We are lucky to have such a brilliant orthopedic Doctor in Hyderabad. We are told that Doctor SUNIL DACHEPALLI is one of the best orthopedic Doctor in all India level. His art in surgery is so simply superb. As patient like my mother feel that our lives are at safe hands. His approach towards patients is cordial, there by the patient feel like a family Doctor. We wish God to bless him for his brilliant success in his profession. His cordial behaviour with patient & he is most impressive, patients feel their life's are in the safe hands. Shamili reddy devaram 0000-00-00 00:00:00