Research, Publications & Presentations
Publications in Medline indexed journals
- Jalgaonkar AA, Dachepalli S, Al-Wattar Z, Rao S, Kochhar T. Atypical tibial tuberosity fracture in an adolescent. Orthopedics. 2011 Jun 14;34(6):215.
- Jalgaonkar A, Dachepalli S, Farid M, Rao S. Angioleiomyoma of the knee: case series and an unusual cause of knee pain.J Knee Surg. 2011 Mar;24(1):33-7.
- Dachepalli VS, Prabhakar M, Ali SA, Teanby D.Comparing the efficacy and safety of a single course of intraarticular injection of natural Vs synthetic Hyaluronic acid, for Knee OA—Abstract publication in J Bone Joint Surg [Br] proceedings.
- Dachepalli VS, Shah A, Jeys L, Purbach B. Bone grafting for acetabular protrusio. Does it affect the long-term stability of the implant? Abstract publication in J Bone Joint Surg [Br] proceedings.
- Sharma Hemant, Jain Vikas, Dachepalli Sunil, Prabhakar Makarahalli, ChaudharyBaber. Is laparoscopic appendectomy a contraindication for mucocoele appendix? Indian J Gastroenterol 2007;26:4